There’s no denying it, Coronavirus (Covid-19) is impacting just about every country and person in the world right now. Over the past week, we’ve seen organisations of all sizes close their doors and stop trading to help prevent the virus spreading. Thousands of Australian’s have tragically also found themselves jobless or without an income.
The travel, events and hospitality industries have been hit the hardest, but there are some organisations who are experiencing an increase in consumers interest – supermarkets and the healthcare sector in particular. The demand has been so great, they’ve had to limit the quantity of certain high-demand products each person can purchase.
Some of these changes will be temporary – surely the hoarding of toilet paper will stop once we have conquered Covid-19! But many could be here to stay. Take the fitness and wellness industry for example – gyms, personal trainers, Pilates and yoga studios who have completely re-imagined their business model, taking their services online.
Here at All Storage Solutions, we’re committed to helping you create a better workplace and respond to any business challenges and opportunities Covid-19 may bring – whether that means downsizing and putting excess products or materials into storage, or expanding to accommodate and manage temporary or long-term growth or demand.
Here are some examples of industries and organisations we’re supporting in the wake of the Covid-19 outbreak:
Healthcare industry
We’re working with a number of hospitals, doctor’s clinics and medical centres to help them to prepare for the increased number of staff, Covid-19 patients and products expected in the coming months. From shelving systems to store supplies and medication, to upgrading and extending staff rooms and administration areas, and fitting out new and larger waiting areas. Preparation is the key for these guys who are already doing an amazing job, under an increasing amount of pressure.
We’ve also helped chemists to re-organise their storerooms, making them more efficient and productive, and giving their staff more time to spend with customers!
Grocers and supermarkets
For weeks now, staff at Coles and Woolworths haven’t been able to stock their shelves quickly enough! As managers and employees navigate these unchartered waters, we empathise that increasing consumer demand has uncovered a bottleneck within their supply chain and warehousing system. (If you know someone at either organisation feel free to forward this to them and tell them to call us – we can help!)
We’re working with a number of smaller organic grocers and mixed business owners to upgrade their storage areas with Pallet racking systems and mezzanines floors, to enable them to order in larger quantities of high-demand products for their customers. Another great reason to shop local and support small businesses, right?!
Education – schools and colleges
Most universities and colleges have closed and moved to online study this week. While parents have the option to send primary and secondary students to school, if they are unable to arrange care for them, most classrooms are now empty. What better time to refresh and upgrade?
We’re working with a few education facilities who are taking advantage of the quiet time to tidy up and get organised; ready for when school resumes again! From ergonomic desks and chairs to storage cupboards and bookshelves, from student lockers to electronic white boards – we’ve got a wide range of products and solutions for all kinds of education facilities.
We can also help with Home Office Solutions for students and work at home parents.
E-commerce – online shopping
With most Australians working and staying home for the next little period, online shopping is expected to boom as people look for hobbies and ways to pass the time. Some brands and products are already seeing a surge in sales including technology, gardening and home DIY products and we have been helping them increase their storage capacity and redesign picking and packing systems.
We predict kid’s toys, games and activities, backyard sports and playground equipment and personal grooming products will be in high demand in the coming weeks – so get ready!
Whatever your business type – if you’re experiencing significant changes in how you run your business as a result of Covid-19 call us on 1800 772 726 for a free online or phone consultation and assessment of your workplace, warehouse or back of house facilities. We guaranteed that we’ll be able to offer some great ideas and solutions to help you cope with the current market situation.